Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

2736 members found

Dennis Rowen, Adjunct Instructor
New York Institute of Technology
Department of School Counseling

Angela Rowley, Lecturer
California Lutheran University
Department of Counselor Education

LUBA ROYTBURD, Adjunct Professor
Manhattan College
Department of Counseling

Deborah Rubel, Assistant Professor
Oregon State University
Counselor Education

Bob Rubenstein
Marshall University
Department of Counseling

Bonnie Rubenstein, Professor
University of Rochester
Department of Counseling & Human Development

Lawrence Rubin, Lecturer
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Department of Counseling and School Psychology

Florence Rubinson, Professor
Brooklyn College
Department of School Psychology, Counseling and Leadership

Lisa Ruble, Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky
Educational and Counseling Psychology

JAMES RUDES, Associate Professor
Barry University

Lori Rudolph, Associate Professor
New Mexico Highlands University
Department of Counseling

Jessica Ruglis, Assistant Professor
McGill University
Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology

Diana D. Ruiz, Associate Professor
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Department of Counseling

Amanda Rumsey, Assistant Professor
Clemson University
Counseling (EdC)

Richard Russell
University of Michigan, Flint
School of Education & Human Services


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