Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

2736 members found

Jenny Snowden, Lecturer
University of Waikato
Department of Human Development and Counselling

Janea Snyder, Assistant Professor
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Counseling, Adult and Rehabilitation Education

West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Department of Counselor Education

Sandro Sodano, Assistant Professor
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology

R. Denis Soignier, Assistant Professor
Nicholls State University
Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Family Studies

LeAnn Solmonson, Adjunct Instructor
Oklahoma State University
School of Applied Health & Educational Psychology

Misty Solt, Associate Professor
Southern Methodist University
Department of Dispute Resolution & Counseling

John Sommers-Flanagan, Associate Professor
University of Montana
Educational Leadership and Counseling

Rita Sommers-Flanagan, Professor
University of Montana
Educational Leadership and Counseling

Catherine Somody, Assistant Professor
University of Texas, San Antonio
Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, Adult & Higher Education

Joshua Southwick, Assistant Professor
Troy University
Department of Counseling, Rehabilitation, & Interpreter Training

Narketta Sparkman-Key, Associate Professor
Old Dominion University
Educational Leadership and Counseling

Barbara Sparrow, Professor
Texas State University-San Marcos
Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education & School Psychology

G. Scott Sparrow, Professor
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Department of Counseling

Laura Spenceley, Assistant Professor
State University of New York at Oswego
Department of Counseling and Psychological Services


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