Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

2736 members found

Ida Hartina Ahmad Tharbe , Lecturer
University of Malaya
Department of Educational Psychology & Counselling

John Thibodeau, Professor
State University of New York at Albany
Division of Counseling Psychology

Steven Thoma, Professor
University of Alabama
Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling

Damien J. Thomas, Assistant Professor
Mississippi College
Department of Psychology and Counseling

Marcia Thomas, Assistant Professor
Duquesne University
Department of Counseling, Psychology & Special Education

Suzy Thomas, Professor
Saint Mary's College of California
Department of Counseling

Barbara Jean Thompson, Adjunct Professor
Lehigh University
Counseling Psychology

Holly Thompson, Associate Professor
University of Illinois, Springfield
Department of Human Development Counseling

J. Graham Thompson, Adjunct Professor
University of Illinois, Springfield
Department of Human Development Counseling

Sharon Thompson, Assistant Professor
Troy University
Department of Counseling, Rehabilitation, & Interpreter Training

Zoe M Thornton, Instructor
Drake University
School of Education

Mark Tichon, Associate Professor
Lincoln Memorial University
Department of Education

Dan Tillapaugh, Assistant Professor
California Lutheran University
Department of Counselor Education

Douglas Tillman, Associate Professor
University of Nebraska, Kearney
Department of Counseling & School Psychology

Dianne Timm, Associate Professor
Eastern Illinois University
Department of Counseling and Student Development


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