Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3905 members found

M. LEE MANNING, Professor
Old Dominion University
Educational Curriculum and Instruction

SANDRA MANNING, Assistant Professor
University of Southern Mississippi
Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education

Adeleine Mannion, Associate Lecturer
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Kathleen Mantaro, Adjunct Professor
State University of New York at Oswego
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Miguel Mantero, Assistant Professor
University of Alabama
Secondary Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning

Roger Allan Mantie, Lecturer
University of Toronto
Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning

Karen Marangio, Lecturer
Monash University
Faculty of Education

Rebekah Marcum, Instructor
Tennessee Technological University
Department of Curriculum & Instruction

J.G. Maree, Professor
University of Pretoria
Department of Curriculum Studies

Wendy K Marencik, Assistant Professor
Indiana University, Bloomington
Curriculum & Instruction

Efrain Marimon, Instructor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Curriculum and Instruction

Sheron Mark, Assistant Professor
University of Louisville
Teaching and Learning

Paul L. Markham, Associate Professor
University of Kansas
Department of Curriculum & Teaching

Catherine Marks Krpan, Lecturer
University of Toronto
Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning

Stephen Marlette, Assistant Professor
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Department of Curriculum and Instruction


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