Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3905 members found

Huajing Maske, Associate Professor
University of Kentucky
Curriculum and Instruction

Michael Maslyn, Professor
Oakland University
Curriculum Instruction and Leadership

Annie Mason, Professor
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Curriculum and Instruction

Margie Mason, Professor
College of William and Mary
Curriculum and Instruction

Nicola Francesca Mason, Associate Professor
Eastern Kentucky University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Rebecca Mason, Adjunct Lecturer
Hunter College
Department of Curriculum and Teaching

Mary Masterson, Instructor
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Lisa Matherson, Assistant Professor
University of Alabama
Secondary Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning

Marie Mathes, Adjunct Professor
State University of New York at Oswego
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Annie Ruth Mathews, Adjunct Professor
Arizona State University
Department of Curriculum & Instruction and Administration

Richard P. Mathews, Instructor
University of Pittsburgh
Instruction and Learning

Sarup Mathur, Associate Professor
Arkansas State University, Beebe
Curriculum and Instruction

Vail Matsumoto, Instructor
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Teacher Education and Curriculum studies

Shirley M. Matteson, Associate Professor
Texas Tech University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Cassandra Mattoon, Assistant Professor
Illinois State University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction


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