Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3905 members found

Sylvia Pantaleo, Associate Professor
University of Victoria
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Enza Papeck, Assistant Professor
Illinois State University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Luc Paquette, Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Lois Paretti, Visiting Instructor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

David Parisian, Visiting Assistant Professor
State University of New York at Oswego
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Do-Yong Park, Assistant Professor
Illinois State University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Margaret Parker, Assistant Professor
Illinois State University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Randy Parker, Professor
Louisiana Tech University
Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Sarah Parker, Instructor
Mississippi State University
Curriculum and Instruction

Robert Parkes, Senior Lecturer
University of Newcastle
School of Education

Paul Parkison, Associate Professor
University of North Florida
Department of Childhood Education, Literacy, and TESOL

Michelle Parks, Lecturer
University of Tasmania
Faculty of Education

Susan Parks, Lecturer
University of Toledo
Curriculum and Instruction

Will Parnell, Associate Professor
Portland State University
Curriculum & Instruction

Julia Parra , Assistant Professor
New Mexico State University
Curriculum & Instruction


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