Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3905 members found

Bill Parrett, Professor
Boise State University
Department of Curriculum, Instruction, & Foundational Studies

Tammy F. Parrish, Professor
Angelo State University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Theresa Parry-Bick, Professor
State University of New York at Oswego
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Dennis Parsons, Professor
State University of New York at Oswego
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Sue Christian Parsons, Assistant Professor
Oklahoma State University
School of Teaching & Curriculum Leadership

Christina Partyka, Adjunct Professor
Monmouth University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Michelle Pasterick, Assistant Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Curriculum and Instruction

Donna Pasternak, Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Curriculum & Instruction

James Leon Pate, Professor
Valdosta State University
Department of Curriculum, Leadership, and Technology

Robin Pate, Assistant Professor
Tarleton State University
Department of Curriculum & Instruction

Sonal Patel, Adjunct Lecturer
Hunter College
Department of Curriculum and Teaching

Jane Paterala, Assistant Professor
Illinois State University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Denise Patmon, Associate Professor
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Susan Renee Patrick, Assistant Professor
Northeastern State University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Allison Pattee, Instructor
University of Northern Iowa
Curriculum and Instruction


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