Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3905 members found

Lisa Pease, Associate Lecturer
University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Sandra Pech, Assistant Professor
Kent State University
Teaching, Leadership, and Curriculum Studies

Erminia Pedretti, Associate Professor
University of Toronto
Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning

Howard A. Peelle, Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies

Sandy Peer, Instructor
Wichita State University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Megan M. Peercy, Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Curriculum and Instruction

James Pellegrino, Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
Curriculum and Instruction

Bruce Peng, Professor
State University of New York at Oswego
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Li-Wei Peng, Associate Professor
Indiana State University
Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology

Li-Wei Peng, Associate Professor
Indiana State University
Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology

Sarah Pennington, Assistant Professor
Montana State University
Department of Education

Alexis Penzell, Adjunct Lecturer
Hunter College
Department of Curriculum and Teaching

STEPHANIE PEPPER, Visiting Lecturer
Arkansas Tech University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Alfonso Perez, Adjunct Lecturer
Hunter College
Department of Curriculum and Teaching

Della Perez, Assistant Professor
Kansas State University
Department of Curriculum and Instruction


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