Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3905 members found

Dawn Wilson, Professor
Houston Baptist University
School of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Eleanor Wilson, Assistant Professor
University of Virginia
Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education

Elizabeth K Wilson, Associate Professor
University of Alabama
Secondary Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning

Jahnette Wilson, Visiting Assistant Professor
University of Houston
Curriculum and Instruction

Janet Wilson, Instructor
Auburn University
Curriculum and Teaching

Jay Wilson, Assistant Professor
University of Saskatchewan
Department of Curriculum Studies

Judith Wilson, Associate Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Curriculum and Instruction

Kay Rone Wilson, Assistant Professor
University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction

KiMi Wilson, Professor
California State University, Los Angeles
Division of Curriculum and Instruction

Suzanne Wilson, Professor
University of Connecticut
Curriculum and Instruction

Robert K. Wimpelberg, Professor
University of Houston
Curriculum and Instruction

Mark A. Windschitl, Associate Professor
University of Washington
Curriculum and Instruction

Linda Wine, Assistant Professor
Hunter College
Department of Curriculum and Teaching

Daniel Winker, Assistant Professor
Cleveland State University
Department of Curriculum & Foundations

Jason Wirtz , Assistant Professor
City University of New York--Hunter College
Department of Curriculum & Teaching


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