Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

30889 members found

Kathy Baumgardner, Professor
LeTourneau University
School of Education

Erich Baumgartner, Professor
Andrews University
Educational Administration

Jennifer Baumgartner, Associate Professor
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
School of Education

Christina Baumoel, Lecturer
Manhattanville College
School of Education

John Bausch, Lecturer
Northwestern University
School of Education and Social Policy

Mercyhurst College
Department of Education

Louise Bauso, Adjunct Professor
Long Island University
Department of Education

Antonio Bausone, Adjunct Professor
City University of New York--Queens College
Department of Education & Community Programs

Janet Bavonese
Jacksonville State University
School of Education

Papia Bawa, Assistant Professor
State University of New York College at Brockport
Department of Education and Human Development

Lourd Bawardi Shomar, Lecturer
California State University, Sacramento
College of Education

Karen Bax, Assistant Professor
University of Western Ontario
Faculty of Education

Abigail Baxter, Associate Professor
University of South Alabama
Educational Leadership & Foundations

Aryn Baxter, Assistant Professor
Arizona State University at the Downtown Phoenix Campus
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College

Christopher Baxter, Instructor
Salem State University
School of Education


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