Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

30889 members found

Rasoul Behboudi, Lecturer
Northeastern University
Department of Professional Studies

Malvika Behl, Assistant Professor
West Texas A&M University
Department of Education

Reza Feyzi Behnagh, Assistant Professor
State University of New York at Albany
Department of Educational Theory & Practice

Allison Behne, Assistant Professor
Upper Iowa University
School of Education

Ginger Behnke, Professor
Valley Forge Christian College
Department of Education

Lyra Behnke, Instructor
Western Oregon University
Division of Deaf Studies and Professional Studies

Terry Behrendt
Baker University
School of Education

Gail Moorman Behrens, Professor
Upper Iowa University
Health, Physical Education and Recreation Department

Annamarie Behring
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Department of Development

Annie Behrns, Adjunct Professor
Saint Xavier University
School of Education

Benjamin V. Beier, Assistant Professor
Hillsdale College
Department of Classical Education

Marlene Beierle, Lecturer
Ohio State University
Teaching & Learning

Jack Beiger, Assistant Professor
Montana State University-Northern
College of Arts & Sciences, Education

Aaron Beighle, Associate Professor
University of Kentucky
Kinesiology and Health Promotion

Jayne R. Beilke, Associate Professor
Ball State University
Educational Studies


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