Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3372 members found

Ifeyinwa Onyenekwu, Assistant Professor
Rutgers University

Carolyn M. Orange, Professor
University of Texas, San Antonio
Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, Adult & Higher Education

Lindsay Orchowski, Adjunct Professor
Rhode Island College
Department of Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology

Brandon Orr, Assistant Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Educational, School and Counseling Psychology (ESCP)

Marybeth Orton, Professor
University of Louisville
Educational and Counseling Psychology

Amina Mohammed Osman, Lecturer
Sudan University of Science & Technology
Department of Educational Psychology

Cheryl Ostryn, Assistant Professor
The Sage Colleges
Department of Applied Behavior Analysis

MM Oswald, Lecturer
Stellenbosch University
Department of Educational Psychology

LACY OVERLEY, Assistant Professor
Arkansas State University
Department of Psychology and Counseling

Elin Ovrebo, Assistant Professor
University of Memphis
Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research

Elizabeth Owen, Adjunct Associate Professor
Columbia University
Organization and Leadership

Laura Owens, Lecturer
University of Texas, Tyler
Department of Psychology and Counseling

Sarah Owens, Assistant Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Educational, School and Counseling Psychology (ESCP)

Ura Oyemade-Bailey, Professor
Howard University
Human Development & Psycho-educational Studies

Kari Oyen, Assistant Professor
University of South Dakota
Counseling & Psychology


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