Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3372 members found

Maggie Parker, Assistant Professor
Mississippi College
Department of Psychology and Counseling

Jason Parkin, Assistant Professor
Seattle University
College of Education

Carlton Parks, Professor
Alliant International University
School of Education

Jean Parks-Orendorff, Lecturer
Troy University
Department of Psychology

Kenneth Parnell, Assistant Professor
University of Northern Colorado
Professional Psychology

Harun Parpucu, Instructor
University of Northern Iowa
Educational Psychology and Foundations

Rauno K. Parrila, Associate Professor
University of Alberta
Department of Educational Psychology

George Patrick Alexander Parris, Assistant Professor
Wayne State University
Theoretical / Behavioral Foundations

Jennifer Parzych, Assistant Professor
Southern Connecticut State University
Department of Counseling and School Psychology

Tracy Paskiewicz, Lecturer
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Department of Counseling and School Psychology

William Pasmore, Professor
Columbia University
Organization and Leadership

TIM PASSMORE, Assistant Professor
Oklahoma State University
School of Applied Health & Educational Psychology

DaShaunda Patterson, Assistant Professor
Georgia State University
Educational Psychology and Special Education

Terence Patterson, Professor
University of San Francisco
Counseling Psychology

Angela Patton, Senior Lecturer
University of North Texas
Technology & Cognition


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