Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3372 members found

Susan Rice, Adjunct Professor
Pepperdine University
Graduate School of Education and Psychology

Université de Moncton
Department of Primary Education and Educational Psychology

Vanessa Richard
Texas A&M University - College Station
Educational Psychology

Mary Sue Richardson, Professor
New York University
Applied Psychology

Nancy Richardson
Bay Path College
Department of Applied Behavior Analysis

Warnie Richardson, Professor
Nipissing University
Faculty of Education

Lynne Richer, Assistant Professor
William James College
Department of Organizational and Leadership Psychology

Rebecca Ridge, Adjunct Instructor
Valdosta State University
Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Family Therapy

Lloyd P. Rieber, Professor
University of Georgia
Educational Psychology

Graham Rifenbark, Research Assistant Professor
University of Connecticut
Educational Psychology

Lisa Riggi, Adjunct Professor
University of Bridgeport
Department of Psychology

Karen S. Riley, Assistant Professor
University of Denver
Child, Family,and School Psychology

Christina M. Rinaldi, Associate Professor
University of Alberta
Department of Educational Psychology

Blanca Rincón, Assistant Professor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Educational Psychology

Ron Rinehart, Assistant Professor
University of Northern Iowa
Educational Psychology and Foundations


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