Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3372 members found

Lori Ryan, Instructor
University of Colorado Denver
Educational Psychology & Early Childhood Education (EPSY)

Arkansas State University
Department of Psychology and Counseling

Scott A. Sabella, Assistant Professor
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology

Sujay Sabnis, Assistant Professor
Miami University of Ohio
Educational Psychology

Michaela Sacra, Professor
University of Wisconsin, River Falls
Department of Counseling and School Psychology

Bruce Saddler, Assistant Professor
State University of New York at Albany
Division of Educational Psychology & Methodology

Diane Sadler, Professor
Tennessee Technological University
Department of Counseling and Psychology

Katherine Sage, Visiting Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Educational Psychology

Vedeesh Saggar, Lecturer
California State University, Northridge
Department of Educational Psychology

Emam Mostafa Said, Professor
Assiut University
Department of Psychology

Anondah Saide, Visiting Assistant Professor
University of North Texas
Technology & Cognition

Satoru SAITO, Professor
Kyoto University
Department of Cognitive Psychology in Education

Michael Salce, Assistant Professor
Azusa Pacific University
School Counseling and School Psychology

Rakhshanda Saleem, Professor
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Department of Counseling and School Psychology

Donia Salehabadi, Lecturer
Universite de Montreal
Department of psychopedagogy and andragogy


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