Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3372 members found

Julia Shiang, Associate Professor
New York University
Applied Psychology

Claudia Shields, Adjunct Professor
Pepperdine University
Graduate School of Education and Psychology

Sungok Serena Shim, Associate Professor
Ball State University
Department of Educational Psychology

Hidetada Shimizu, Associate Professor
Northern Illinois University
Educational Psychology and Foundations

Mitsuru Shimizu, Assistant Professor
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Department of Psychology

Huiyoung Shin, Assistant Professor
Oklahoma State University
School of Applied Health & Educational Psychology

Sang Min Shin, Assistant Professor
University of Texas, El Paso
Educational Psychology

Barbara Shircliffe, Professor
University of South Florida, Tampa
Psychological and Social Foundations of Education

KATHY SHOEMAKER, Assistant Professor
Rutgers University

Kylea Shoemaker, Instructor
Emporia State University
Department of Psychology

Robert Short, Professor
University of Alberta
Department of Educational Psychology

Ragda Shreim, Associate Professor
University of Jordan
Department of Educational Psychology

Sarah Shrewsbury-Braxton, Assistant Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Educational and School Psychology and Special Education

David Shriberg, Professor
Indiana University, Bloomington
Counseling and Educational Psychology

Kris Shroyer
Ball State University
Counseling Psychology


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