Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3372 members found

Scott Singleton, Assistant Professor
University of Central Oklahoma
Department of Behavior Analysis

Sandra Sites, Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Educational, School and Counseling Psychology (ESCP)

Kamau Oginga Siwatu, Assistant Professor
Texas Tech University
Department of Educational Psychology

Nicole Skaar, Associate Professor
University of Northern Iowa
Educational Psychology and Foundations

Russell J. Skiba, Professor
Indiana University
Department of School Psychology

Russell J. Skiba, Associate Professor
Indiana University, Bloomington
Counseling and Educational Psychology

Amy Skinner, Lecturer
Troy University
Department of Psychology

Christopher H. Skinner, Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Educational Psychology and Counseling

Gary J. Skolits, Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Educational Psychology and Counseling

Elizabeth Skowron, Associate Professor
University of Oregon
Counseling Psychology and Human Services

Jeffrey John Skowron, Professor
Cambridge College
Department of Behavior Analysis

Ingrid Sladeczek, Associate Professor
McGill University
Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology

Christopher Slaten, Assistant Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Educational, School and Counseling Psychology (ESCP)

Stephen Slota, Assistant Professor
University of Connecticut
Educational Psychology

Stephen A. Small, Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Educational Psychology


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