Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3372 members found

Elio Spinello, Adjunct Professor
Pepperdine University
Graduate School of Education and Psychology

Marc Spooner, Assistant Professor
University of Regina
Faculty of Education

Annick St-Amand, Professor
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Department of Psychoeducation

Mark St. Martin, Associate Professor
Western Michigan University
Counselor Education & Counseling Psychology

Betsy St. Pierre, Assistant Professor
Nicholls State University
Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Family Studies

Nathaniel Stafford, Visiting Lecturer
Mount Holyoke College
Department of Psychology

Robert Stake, Emeritus Professor
Illinois College
Department of Educational Psychology

Robert Stake, Emeritus Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Department of Educational Psychology

Kelly Stambaugh, Professor
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Department of Behavior Analysis

Angela Stanford, Assistant Professor
Southern Arkansas University
College of Education

Bryan Stare, Assistant Professor
University of Oklahoma
Department of Educational Psychology

Kevin Stark, Professor
University of Texas at Austin
Educational Psychology

Natalie Starling, Assistant Professor
Southern Connecticut State University
Department of Counseling and School Psychology

Elizabeth Steed, Assistant Professor
University of Colorado Denver
Educational Psychology & Early Childhood Education (EPSY)

Mark Steege, Professor
University of Southern Maine
Department of Educational Psychology


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