Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3372 members found

Connie Sung, Assistant Professor
Michigan State University
Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education

Samuel J. Supalla, Associate Professor
University of Arizona
Special Education, Rehabilitation, and School Psychology

James Surber, Assistant Professor
Northern Illinois University
Educational Psychology and Foundations

Rebecca Surber, Assistant Professor
Northern Illinois University
Educational Psychology and Foundations

Hideo Suzuki, Assistant Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Educational Psychology

Lisa Suzuki, Associate Professor
New York University
Applied Psychology

Dubravka Svetina, Assistant Professor
Indiana University, Bloomington
Counseling and Educational Psychology

Marilla Svinicki, Associate Professor
University of Texas at Austin
Educational Psychology

Jacqueline Swank, Associate Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Educational, School and Counseling Psychology (ESCP)

Annette Swanson, Instructor
Ball State University
Department of Educational Psychology

Suzanne Swantak-Furman, Lecturer
SUNY College at Oneonta
Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education

E Swart, Professor
Stellenbosch University
Department of Educational Psychology

James Swartz, Professor
Miami University of Ohio
Educational Psychology

Susan Swearer, Associate Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Educational Psychology

Gary Swick, Instructor
Northern Illinois University
Educational Psychology and Foundations


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