Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3372 members found

Susan L. Tasker, Assistant Professor
University of Victoria
Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

Jonas Taub, Lecturer
Plymouth State University
Department of Counselor Education and School Psychology

Marie Tavormina, Instructor
University of Arizona
Special Education, Rehabilitation, and School Psychology

John Tawa, Assistant Professor
Mount Holyoke College
Department of Psychology

Jennifer Taylor, Assistant Professor
University of Utah
Educational Psychology

Joe Taylor, Professor
Alabama State University
Department of Psychology Education

Linda Taylor, Assistant Professor
University of Idaho, Moscow
Department of Counseling and School Psychology

Rodney Teague, Professor
Alabama State University
Department of Psychology Education

Elliot Tebbe, Assistant Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Educational Psychology

Melissa Tehee, Assistant Professor
Utah State University
Educational Psychology

Shadia A. Tel, Professor
Yarmouk University
Department of Counseling & Educational Psychology

Caroline Temcheff, Associate Professor
McGill University
Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology

Chelsie Temmen, Assistant Professor
University of Louisville
Educational and Counseling Psychology

Jonathan Templin, Associate Professor
University of Kansas
Psychology and Research in Education

Gershon Tenenbaum, Professor
Florida State University
Education Psychology and Learning Systems


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