Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3372 members found

Alissa Call, Assistant Professor
Black Hills State University
School of Education

Philip E Callahan, Emeritus Associate Professor
University of Arizona
Department of Education Psychology

Gregory Callan, Assistant Professor
Utah State University
Educational Psychology

Tracey Calley, Professor
Texas State University-San Marcos
Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education & School Psychology

Eric Camburn, Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Educational Psychology

Ian Cameron, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Victoria
Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

Judy A. Cameron, Professor
University of Alberta
Department of Educational Psychology

Jon Campbell, Professor
University of Kentucky
Educational and Counseling Psychology

Jonathan Campbell, Professor
University of Kentucky
Educational and Counseling Psychology

Matthew Campolattaro, Assistant Professor
Christopher Newport University
Department of Psychology

Claudia Campos Fleitas, Professor
Simmons University
Department of Behavior Analysis

Stacy Camposano, Professor
Tufts University
Department of Education

Kathy Canfield-Davis, Assistant Professor
University of Idaho, Moscow
Department of Counseling and School Psychology

Gregory Canillas, Adjunct Professor
Pepperdine University
Graduate School of Education and Psychology

Michael Cannata, Instructor
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Department of Special Education/School Psychology


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