Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

2673 members found

Ken Stark, Assistant Professor
University of Waterloo
Department of Kinesiology

Cindy Starzenski, Professor
Dawson College
Department of Physical Education

Nathaniel Stasik, Instructor
University of Pittsburgh
Health, Physical & Recreation Education

Ruth Stauffer, Assistant Professor
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Department of Health/Physical Education

Rebecca Stearns, Assistant Professor
University of Connecticut

Maya Miyairi Steel, Assistant Professor
Utah State University
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Peter J. Steenstra, Lecturer
Bates College
Department of Physical Education/Athletics

Darren Stefanyshyn, Professor
University of Calgary
Faculty of Kinesiology

Denise Steffensen, Adjunct Professor
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Department of Kinesiology

Chuck Stein, Instructor
Tarleton State University
School of Kinesiology

Melanie Stein, Professor
Utah State University
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Craig Steinback, Assistant Professor
University of Alberta
Department of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation

Kathryn Stellema, Professor
Madonna University
Department of Education

Michael Stenberg, Adjunct Instructor
University of North Dakota
Physical Education and Exercise Science (PEXS)

Sheryl Stephenson, Adjunct Instructor
University College of the Fraser Valley
Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education


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