Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

2673 members found

Pro Stergiou, Instructor
University of Calgary
Faculty of Kinesiology

Howard Payne University
School of Education

Bridgette Stewart, Senior Lecturer
University of West Georgia
Department of Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education

Lisa Stewart, Adjunct Professor
University of Southern Indiana
Department of Kinesiology and Sport

Michael D Stibor, Lecturer
University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Coaching

Joshua Stice, Instructor
Eastern Illinois University
Department of Kinesiology and Sports Studies

Christopher Stickley, Associate Professor
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Kinesiology and leisure science

Ruth G. Stifel, Instructor
University of Pittsburgh
Health, Physical & Recreation Education

Deborah Stiles, Professor
Webster University
School of Education

Ashley Stirling, Associate Professor
University of Toronto
Department of Kinesiology & Physical Education

David Stodden, Associate Professor
University of South Carolina
Physical Education

Robin Stodden, Instructor
University of South Carolina
Physical Education

Peter Stoepker, Adjunct Professor
University of West Georgia
Department of Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education

Nicholas Stoffberg, Instructor
University of Alberta
Department of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation

Thomas Stoffregen, Professor
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
School of Kinesiology


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