Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

2673 members found

Meg Thompson, Associate Professor
Longwood University
Department of Health, Athletic Training, Recreation, Kinesiology

Susan Thompson
Louisiana Tech University
Health and Exercise Sciences

Walter Rolph Thompson, Professor
Georgia State University
Kinesiology and Health, Sports Arena

Dianna THOR, Lecturer
Nanyang Technological University
Department of Physical Education and Sports Science

Sandy Thorn, Senior Lecturer
Christchurch College of Education
School of Sciences and Physical Education

Augusta State University
Department of Kinesiology

Robin Thornburg-Brock
Auburn University
Department Of Kinesiology

Brad Thorne, Instructor
Utah State University
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Chelsey Thul, Lecturer
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
School of Kinesiology

Andrew Thunell, Instructor
Utah State University
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Monica Thunell, Instructor
Utah State University
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

James Timmer, Professor
Calvin College
Department of Kinesiology

Wendy Timmons, Lecturer
University of Edinburgh Business School
Department of Physical Education, Sport & Leisure Studies

Justin Tinder, Professor
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Department of Kinesiology

CATHY TINGSTROM, Assistant Professor
University of New Mexico
Physical Performance and Development Department


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