Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

2673 members found

Ron Watters, Adjunct Professor
Idaho State University
Department of Sport Science and Physical Education

Melinda Watts, Assistant Professor
Stephen F. Austin State University
Department of Kinesiology and Health Science

Morgan Watts, Instructor
Utah State University
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Albert Wayne, Professor
University of New Brunswick
Faculty of Kinesiology

Alyssa Weatherholt, Assistant Professor
University of Southern Indiana
Department of Kinesiology and Sport

Gregory Weatherholt, Adjunct Professor
University of Southern Indiana
Department of Kinesiology and Sport

Benjamin Webb, Assistant Professor
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Department of Kinesiology and and Health Education

Jennifer Weber, Assistant Professor
Mount Marty College
Department of Physical Education

Collin Webster, Associate Professor
University of South Carolina
Physical Education

Elizabeth Webster, Assistant Professor
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

Sherrie Weeks, Lecturer
University of Maine
College of Education and Human Development

Rebecca Wehler, Instructor
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Department of Health/Physical Education

Wendi Weimar, Professor
Auburn University
Department Of Kinesiology

Patricia Weir, Professor
University of Windsor
Department of Kinesiology

Rory A. Weishaar, Associate Professor
Central Washington University
Department of Physical Education, School Health and Movement Studies


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