Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

3149 members found

Mandy Rispoli, Associate Professor
Purdue University
Educational Studies

Joel Ristuccia, Instructor
Lesley University
Department of Special Education

Jennifer Ritchotte, Associate Professor
University of Northern Colorado
Special Education

Mitzi Jo Ritzman, Associate Professor
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Department of Special Education and Communication Disorder

Marie-Pier Rivard, Lecturer
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Special Education and Training

M. CHRISTINA RIVERA, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Arizona
Special Education, Rehabilitation, and School Psychology

Sylvia Rivera, Lecturer
California State University, San Bernardino
Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, and Counseling

Magalie Rivest, Visiting Professor
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Special Education and Training

Sandra Hess Robbins, Assistant Professor
University of West Georgia
Department of Literacy and Special Education

Josiane Roberge, Lecturer
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Special Education and Training

Carly Roberts, Assistant Professor
University of Washington
Special Education

Christy Roberts, Professor
Lewis University
School of Education

Michael Roberts, Associate Professor
Northern Arizona University
Educational Specialties

Sasha Roberts-Levi, Adjunct Lecturer
Eastern Michigan University
Department of Special Education

Bridget Roberts-Pittman, Associate Professor
Indiana State University
Communication Disorders and Special Education


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