Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

4766 members found

Mere A Berryman, Professor
University of Waikato
Department of Teacher Education

Cynthia Bertelsen, Associate Professor
Bowling Green State University
School of Teaching and Learning

Claudia Bertolone-Smith, Assistant Professor
State University of New York College at Plattsburgh
Department of Teacher Education

Caitlyn K. Bertoncin, Adjunct Instructor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Teacher Education

Mary Betzoldt, Adjunct Professor
Adrian College
School of Education

Cheryl L Beverly, Professor
James Madison University
Department of Learning, Technology & Leadership Education

Carol Beynon, Professor
University of Western Ontario
Faculty of Education

Yash Bhagwanji, Associate Professor
Florida Atlantic University
Teacher Education

Navaz Bhavnagri, Associate Professor
Wayne State University
Teacher Education

Sabrina Bhojani, Instructor
University of British Columbia
Department of Teacher Education

Florent Biao, Lecturer
Laval University
Department of Studies on Teaching and the Training

David Bicard, Adjunct Instructor
University of West Florida
Department of Teacher Education and Educational Leadership

Blake Bickham, Associate Professor
Colorado Mesa University
Department of Teacher Education

Sylvie Gladys Bidjang, Research Professor
Laval University
Department of Studies on Teaching and the Training

Kristen Bieda, Assistant Professor
Michigan State University
Teacher Education


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