Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

138 members found

Tracy Cook-Person, Assistant Professor
Long Island University-Brooklyn Campus
School of Education

Janeth Cornejo, Professor
University of Houston, Downtown
Department of Urban Education

Hykeem Craft, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Houston, Downtown
Department of Urban Education

Julie Cuellar, Professor
University of Houston, Downtown
Department of Urban Education

Maryanisa DelRio, Professor
Westfield State University
Department of Urban Education

Kristen Driskill, Assistant Professor
Roberts Wesleyan College
Department of Teacher Education

Dixie Dudley, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Houston, Downtown
Department of Urban Education

Lisa Edwards, Professor
University of Houston, Downtown
Department of Urban Education

Katie Ekstrom, Professor
University of Houston, Downtown
Department of Urban Education

Sachie Etherington, Professor
University of Houston, Downtown
Department of Urban Education

Deniece M. Fields, Professor
Cardinal Stritch University
School of Education

Sherrie Foster, Professor
Tennessee Technological University
Department of Counseling and Psychology

Eric Fotsch
Metropolitan State University
School of Urban Education

Clifford Frand, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Houston, Downtown
Department of Urban Education

Trudy Freer-Alvarez, Professor
University of Houston, Downtown
Department of Urban Education


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