Job ID: 254798

Assistant Professor, Education

Mount Royal University

  • Mar. 21, 2025
  • Assistant Professor, Education
  • Faculty of Health, Community and Education
  • Mount Royal University
    Calgary, AB
  • Open until filled
  • August 2025
  • Assistant Professor
  • Physical Education & Kinesiology
    Teacher Education
    Elementary Education

The Department of Education, Faculty of Health, Community and Education at Mount Royal University invites applications for a limited term position which will commence August 15, 2025, subject to final budgetary approval, at the Rank of Assistant Professor.  

Mount Royal University's Faculty of Health, Community and Education offers a variety of innovative programs that prepare you for challenging and rewarding work in a rapidly growing sector. Join others in contributing to healthy, supportive communities and making a difference — A paat tsi kani takiiks (those that create sparks). To learn more about the Faculty of Health, Community and Education, refer to our 2030 strategic plan, Ani to pisi (spiderweb).

The Department of Education offers a four-year degree program in Elementary Education with teachable minors. Mount Royal University's collaborative and challenging educational environment features innovative teaching practices that push beyond the ordinary, including digital, arts-based and experiential learning. Our students and graduates value reflective engagement and are committed to creating strong community relationships.

Our dedicated students and graduates are:

  • innovative and responsive teachers with courses in assessment, inclusive education and all areas of the core curriculum

  • informed and thoughtful educators with capacity for theory-practice integration

  • prepared to lead the development of STEAM learning experiences and other cross-curricular integration

  • becoming knowledgeable in Indigenous ways of life, including some placements in Indigenous schools

  • enriched through a wide array of learning experiences with our community partnerships


About the Role

The successful applicant will be able to teach courses in one or more of the following areas:

  • Teaching Physical Education 

  • Teacher Wellness 

  • Land-based learning

The successful applicant must be qualified to teach introductory courses in Professional Dimensions and Assessment. Practicum supervision is an expectation for all faculty in education; this reflects the program commitment to theory-practice integration. The successful applicant will also contribute to course and program development. 

New faculty are hired into one of two work patterns. The teaching/ scholarship/ service pattern (TSS) focuses on teaching with the requirement that the faculty member be involved in a research program as well as service to the Mount Royal community. The teaching/ service pattern (TS) focuses on teaching and service only. The successful candidate for this role will be hired into the teaching/ service pattern (TS). It is important to note that MRU has a broad definition of scholarship that includes: disciplinary research, the scholarship of teaching and learning, scholarship on equity, diversity and inclusion, and community-engaged scholarship. Scholarship, teaching and service that is informed by Indigenous methodologies or that include Indigenous Knowledges and traditions are encouraged and recognized in evaluations of performance and tenure. There is an option to change work patterns after tenure. 

Qualifications include a completed or near completed Ph.D. in Education or EdD.  The successful candidate should have experience teaching K-12, with K-9 preferred, relevant undergraduate teaching and/or professional experience, and experience supervising teacher candidates. Applicants interested in the teaching/scholarship/service pattern should have the ability and intent to pursue a research program.

For further information, contact Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Chair, Department of Education at 

Please reference in your cover letter when
applying for or inquiring about this job announcement.

Contact Information


  • Calgary, AB T3E 6R1

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