Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

    Daniel Fienup

  • Associate Professor
  • Daniel Fienup
  • Department of Applied Behavior Analysis
  • https://www.tc.columbia.edu/health-and-behavior-studies/appl...
  • Teachers College at Columbia University
  • 525 West 120th Street
    New York, New York 10027
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • My area of expertise is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). I have a keen interest in education and educational performance, including the design and evaluation of instructional variables that lead to positive educational outcomes. I am deeply curious about multiple effective instructional strategies and determining which strategies require fewer resources (e.g., time, effort). This work has included populations with typical development and individuals with developmental delays and age groups spanning from young children to adults. Specific topics that I have researched include concept learning (stimulus equivalence), complex behavior chains, the arrangement of learning opportunities and reinforcer magnitude, and mastery learning.

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