Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

    Erika Bruening

  • Professor
  • Erika Bruening
  • Department of Education
  • https://www.nebrwesleyan.edu/undergraduate/majors-and-minors...
  • Nebraska Wesleyan University
  • 5000 St Paul Ave
    Lincoln, Nebraska 68504
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • My research primarily focuses on low-incidence contexts of English language learners in the state of Nebraska. I am particularly interested in looking at the range of student experiences in these contexts, and the ways in which schools and practitioners are prepared to meet the needs of demographically changing communities. My general scholarly interests include multicultural education, policies surrounding the education of English language learners, school policy, and practitioner knowledge. Given the 1-to-1 iPad initiative integrated into my full time teaching position, I am very interested in looking at how technology is changing the teaching-and-learning dynamic in today's classrooms.

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